
Conquest diablo 3
Conquest diablo 3

conquest diablo 3

Season 20 begins March 13, shortly after our next Diablo III patch. See post for exact times for each region. I utilize Bluddshed and Rhykker videos on YouTube and checking Leaderboards for builds/gear.UPDATE JUNE 8TH - Season 20 will be ending on June 21st. Does your follower have the best gear equipped? (Again, not sure about 'sader, but on my DH I use the Templar with Immune Relic, Thunderfury, Occulus Ring, Wyrdward, Ess of Johan, and and Freeze of Deflection.).Are you using the best leveled legendary gems in your rings and neckpiece? (Take note of the level 25 bonus to each legendary gem.).Do you have the highest level gems socketed in your gear? (Also, don't look for a weapon to drop with a socket, and if it does, roll the socket to another optimal stat, then use the Gift to give the weapon a socket.).Does your gear have the optimal stats for your build? (I know condemn crusader requires a boatload of CDR.).Does your gear have synergy with your skills? (Does your helm give you +15% damage to a skill you don't even have equipped?).Are you using the optimal skills to maximize your build? (For example, playing a Multishot Demon Hunter without Vengeance is possible, but it's not going to go very far.).Without looking at your specific load-out and having virtually no real play experience as a crusader, here are a couple of things to keep in mind: If you happen to get a good group with a mix of AoE and elite killers, you will smash a GR in no time. Lastly, hopping in a GRift group will help. The top players prefer these types of rifts, and will "fish" for them in order to increase their overall success.

conquest diablo 3

It helps tremendously when you have a good pylon layout as well, and you should always be seeking these out and covering a lot of ground in order to do so. Typically, its the big open maps that are conducive to this goal, as you can just blaze through and chain your elite kills, which there are typically more of in these maps. If your map is full of halls and turns and narrow passage, your progress will be linear and much slower. As a new player, you will want to learn how to recognize the "good maps" and the "bad maps". What's most important for an achievement like "Speed Demon" is the map itself. Your ground speed is important to move from elite pack to elite pack, but isn't the end all. I would read the Icy Veins guide for your build for speed farming variant suggestions.

Conquest diablo 3